Hello all my lovelies! I know I kinda left off the plant but I had a lot of real life issues I had to deal with. But not wanting to get into much detail back that. Just know I am back and that this blog will be better than ever. First off let me say one thing I am no longer married or have a bf on SL and I plan on keeping it that way as I am completely happy in a rl relationship! Don't worry I can still party and have a good time on sl hahahaha. Lets get to some blogging business lol.
ModaMia what can I say than WOW! you know how to keep a girl busy when she comes back from a 1yr leave haha. Don't worry I sill love you Shania! First off let me say congrats on the new location and store. This place is absolutely beautiful as you can see with the picture below. If you have not been here then hurry on down. Second congrats on reaching 2500 members and growing. That is a huge achievement for any fashion designer on SL.

If you been out of the loop like me than you might not know that there are now tons of new appliers. I know Yikes! Don't worry though as ModaMia has all the latest appliers on her clothes. For those you do not know the newer appliers they are WowMeh, Lena Lush, Tango, Perfect Body/bum, Ghetto Booty, Sking Dolly, Sking muscle mesh, omega, brazilia. I know I know that is a crazy amount right lol. Don't worry though because with all these crazy new thing you might wonder man this is going to take a lot of space in my inventory well guess what WRONG! Shania has made a multi purpose hud that has all appliers on it so all you need is her hud which comes with all outfits. Below is a picture of what the hud looks like!
Ok enough with all of that lol. Your probably wondering what the new outfits are or what is new with ModiaMia. Well I am going to share that with you now! First lets start with Erotigacha 2. Erotigacha 2 runs from August 1st to 16th. Below is the information for Erotigacha 2:
Erotigacha is an Adult Gacha Fair, on an Adult sim, BUT items DO NOT HAVE to be adult themed (although some are!).
When: August 1-16
SL Group for information, trading, but no selling:
Event Blog: http://erotigacha.blogspot.com/
Participating Designers: (as of July 19)
Digital DeZines
The Spirit World
D&G Fashions
Faster Pussycat
Warm Animations
Sugar & Cyanide
Syn With Me
LVS and Co.
Scorpio13 Designs
Rack Poses
Always Creative
Serendipity Designs
!Chop Shop!
The Slut Shop
Pretty Kitty Design
Dew Me Furniture
Free Bird
Red Queen Designs
Rook Poses
Sassy Lovely
Vibe Inc.
Distorted Dreams
Flaws and All
Forever Fated
Wicked Peach
Can'dee May
Divalicious Designs
X-Clusives Animations
Elysian Arousal
QE Designs
Strokerz Toyz
Rule 34
Death Row Designs
What is Hard Alley?
Hard Alley was Second Life's first Urban Forced Fantasy Sim, and has been running strong for 8 years. Our sim has many different themed areas that appeal to a wide variety of tastes.
As you can see from above ModaMia is apart of this which is why I am blogging about it hahaha. However It looks like a great area and lots of fun so I challenge all of you to go to it!
ModaMia Clothes
Now lets get to the Clothes of ModaMia and boy did she come out with a lot of new stuff since I been gone. I only got a few of her outfits but boy are they smoking hot! Just look below and check them out yourself!
These are only a few of the new stuff she is doing. Keep checking back as I get the others and update the blog for more clothes!
ModaMia Slink Shoes
Not only has she been busy with clothes but she is now making Slink shoes and they are super hot and super fun. I must say at first I had no idea what slink was so I had to go researching and finally found the slink feet. Of course being the awesome blogger I am I bought a pair and I have to say is WOW! As for the shoes just take a look below and see what I mean!